Dr. Melissa Wuellner

Associate Professor

Office: BHS 345   |    Phone: (308) 865-8006   |    Email: wuellnermr@vacuumbeltsdirect.com

Dr. Melissa Wuellner


Areas of Interest:

  • Fisheries ecology and management
  • Human dimensions of wildlife and fisheries
  • Systems thinking and systems dynamics
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning


Professional Affiliations:

Dissertation and Thesis:


  • Wallick, S., Wuellner, M., and Koupal, K.  2023.  Spatial and temporal differences in fish communities following dewatering of an irrigation canal.  The Prairie Naturalist  55:23-33. 
  • Kessler, A., Dietrich, L., Wuellner, M., and Koupal, K.  2023.  Fish use of artificial and natural habitats in a borrow pit.  The Prairie Naturalist  55:34-42. 
  • Ruoss, J., Mason, B., Wuellner, M., and Koupal, K.  2022.  Resetting the clock: how a reconnection event re- shaped cove fish assemblages in a Nebraska reservoir.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management  http://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10797
  • Vanderbush, B., Wuellner, M.R., and Brown, M.L.  2022.  Potential vulnerability of black bullheads to multiple predators in small impoundments: implications for biological control.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology  37: 373– 385.  http://doi.org/10.1080/02705060.2022.2095448 
  • Dembkowski, D.J., Nelson, D.T., Wuellner, M.R., Blackwell, B.G., Lucchesi, D.O., and Willis, D.W.  2022.  Limited utility of early life-history indices for predicting yellow perch-class strength in eastern Souch Dakota glacial lakes.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42(2):  343-351.  doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10746
  • Bowne, M., Wuellner, M., Hendricks, J.H., and Howard, J.  2022.  Student and instructor perceptions of online teaching related to COVID-19:  The need for reflective practices.  Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence 5(3): 27-41.
  • Rowles, G., Wuellner, M.R., and Koupal, K.D.  2022.  Spatial distinction and temporal stability of water microelements in the North Platte River and Lake McConaughy, Nebraska.  River Research and Application 38(1): 36-43.  doi.org/10.1002/rra.3873
  • Rowles, G.W., Koupal, K.D., Roberg, B.A., and Wuellner, M.R.  2021.  Examination of non-game fish use of a Denil fishway on the Ceder River, Nebraska.  The Prairie Naturalist 53:N1-N8
  • Carlson, A.K., Taylor, W.W.,...Wuellner, M.R.,...and Zydlewski, G.B.  2021.  Stepping up: a U.S. perspective on the ten steps to responsible inland fisheries.  Fisheries Magazine   doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10695
  • Turner, B.L., Wuellner, M., Cortus, E., and Chumbley, S.B.  2021.  A multi-university cohort model for teaching complex and interdisciplinary problem-solving using system dynamics.  Systems Research and Behavioral Science  doi.org/10.1002/sres.2778   
  • Menendez, H.M., Wuellner, M.R., Turner, B.L., Gates, R.N., Dunn, B.H., and Tedeschi, L.O.  2020.  A spatial landscape scale approach for estimating erosion, water quantity, and quality in response to South Dakota grassland conversion.  Natural Resource Modeling 33(1) e12243.   doi.org/10.1111/nrm.12243
  • Carlson, A.K, Taylor, W.W.,...Wuellner, M.R.,...and Harrell, R.M.  2019.  Threats to freshwater fisheries in the United States:  perspectives and investments of state fisheries administrators and agricultural experiment station directors.  Fisheries Magazine 44(6): 276-287.  doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10238
  • Turner, B.L, Wuellner, M.R., Malo, D.D., Herrick, J.E., Dunn, B.H, Gates, R.  2018.  Ecosystem functions in mixed cropland-grassland systems influenced by soil legacies of past crop cultivation decisions.  Ecosphere 9(12) e02521.  doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2521
  • Grote, J.D., Wuellner, M.R., Blackwell, B.G. and Lucchesi, D.O.  2018.  Evaluation of potential overwinter mortality of age-0 walleye and appropriate age-1 sampling gear.  Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9(1): 65-74.  doi.org/10.3996/082017-JFWM-062
  • Turner, B.L., Fuhrer, J., Wuellner, M., Menendez, H.M., Dunn, B.H. and Gates, R.  2018.  Scientific case studies in land-use driven soil erosion in the central United States:  why soil potential and rish concepts should be included in the principles of soil health.  International Soil and Water Conservation Research 6(1): 63-78.  doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2017.12.004
  • Wuellner, M.R., Gates, R., Turner, B. and Menendez, H.M.  2018.  Shaping soil watershed stewardship through combined producer and influencer education: a pilot program.  Journal of Extension 56(6).  
  • Dembkowski, D. J., Weber, M. J., and Wuellner, M. R.  2017.  Factors influencing recruitment and growth of age-0 yellow perch in eastern South Dakota glacial lakes.  Fisheries Management and Ecology  doi: 10.1111/fme.12240.
  • Turner, B.L., Wuellner, M., Nichols, T., Gates, R., Tedeschi, L. O., and Dunn, B. H.  2017.  A systems approach to forecast agricultural land transformation from economic, policy, and cultural scenarios in the north central United States (2012 – 2062).  International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(2): 102-123.  doi: 10.1080/14735903.2017.1288029
  • Wuellner, M. R., Vincent, L., and Felts, B.  2017.  Environmental mental models of college students.  International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 12: 105-115.
  • Smith, B. J., Blackwell, B. G., Wuellner, M. R., Graeb, B. D. S., and Willis, D. W.  2017.  Contact selectivity for four fish species sampled with North American standard gill nets.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37: 149-161.
  • Wuellner, M. R., Grote, J. D., and Fincel, M. J.  2016.  Spatial and temporal distinction of microelemental signatures of Missouri River tributaries.  River Research and Applications  doi: 10.1002/rra.3115. 
  • Bogner, D. M., Kaemingk, M. A., and Wuellner, M. R.  2016.  Consequences of hatch phenology on stages of fish recruitment.  PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164980. 
  • Dembkowski, D. J., Wuellner, M. R., and Willis, D. W.  2016.  Synchrony in larval yellow perch production: the influence of the Moran Effect during early life history.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(10): 1567-1574.
  • Turner, B. L., Wuellner, M., Nichols, T., Gates, R., Tedeschi, L. O., and Dunn, B. H.  2016.  Development and evaluation of a system dynamics model for investigating agriculturally driven land transformation in the north central United States.  Natural Resource Modeling 29(2): 179-228. 
  • Smith, B. J., Dembkowski, D. J., James, D. A., and Wuellner, M. R.  2016.  A simple method to increase precision, reduce error, and facilitate the aging of otoliths: the otolith illumination device.  The Open Fish Science Journal 9: 1-7.
  • Smith, B. J., Blackwell, B. G., Wuellner, M. R., Graeb, B. D. S., and Willis, D. W.  2016.  Escapement of fishes from modified fyke nets with varying throat configurations.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36(1): 96-103.