Dr. Keith Geluso


Office: BHS 322   |    Phone: (308) 865-8982   |    Email: gelusok1@vacuumbeltsdirect.com

Dr. Keith Geluso


Areas of Interest:

  • Field Biology, Bats & Rats


Professional Affiliations:

Dissertation and Thesis:

  • Geluso, K.  2005.  Influence of substrate moisture and seed distribution on foraging behaviors and strategies of granivorous rodents. Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Geluso, K.  1998.  Effects of dietary quality on basal metabolic rate and internal morphology in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). M. S. Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada.


  • Gibson, K.L., Peterson, B.C., and Geluso, K.  2022.  Geographic distribution: Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog).  Herpetological Review 53:72-73.
  • Farriester, J.W., Peterson, B.C., Geluso, K. and Hoback, W.W.  2021.  Threatened American burying beetle (Nircrophorus americanus) consumed by northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) and trap avoidance by Silphidae.  Western North American Naturalist 81(3):443-452. 
  • Fennessy, L. T., Peterson, B. C., and Geluso, K.  2020.  Geographic distribution: Ambystoma mavortium (Western tiger salamander).  Herpetological Review 51:67.
  • Cool, M. K. and Geluso, K.  2020.  Range extension for DeKay’s Brownsnake (Storeria dekayi) in south-central Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 40:1-5.
  • Geluso, K.N. and Geluso, K.  2020.  Distribution and natural history of the Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat (Sigmodon ochrognathus) in southwestern New Mexico.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 362:1-21.
  • Geluso, K., Lemen, C. A., Freeman, P. W., Andersen, B. R., White, J. A., and Johnson, H. M.  2019.  Variation in reproductive timing for the northern long-eared myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) across Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 79:571-576.
  • Geluso, K. and Valdez, E. W.  2019.  First records of the eastern red bat (Lasiurusborealis) in Arizona, Utah, and western New Mexico.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 361:1-12.
  • Tye, S. P. and Geluso, K.  2019.  Day roosts of Myotis (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in an arid riparian corridor in southwestern New Mexico.  Western North American Naturalist 79:515-522.
  • Forrester, A. J., Peterson, B. C., Ringenberg, J. M., Schlater, S. M., and Geluso, K.  2019.  Continued westward expansion of woodchucks (Marmota monax) in Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 79:574–580.
  • Tye, S. P. and Geluso, K.  2019.  T. hamnophis radix (Plains Gartersnake): scavenging.  Herpetological Review 50:603.
  • Forrester, A. J., Peterson, B. C., Geluso, K., Santos, L. V., and Hoback, W. W.  2019.  Terrapeneornata (Ornate Box Turtle): diet.  Herpetological Review 50:128-129.
  • Geluso, K. and Wright, G. D.  2019.  Status of the Plains Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys montanus griseus) in eastern Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 39:10-16.
  • Riesenberg, A. M. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Geographic Distribution: Lithobates pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog).  Herpetological Review 49:709.
  • Forrester, A. J. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Geographic Distribution: Kinosternon flavescens (Yellow Mud Turtle). Herpetological Review 49:712.
  • Forrester, A. J., Geluso, K., Harner, M. J., and Kruse, C.  2018.  Geographic Distribution: Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle).  Herpetological Review 49:711.
  • Geluso, K., and Geluso, K. N.  2018.  Range expansion of the Northern Pygmy Mouse (Baiomys taylori) into eastern New Mexico.  Texas Journal of Science 70(1).
  • Pauley, N. M., Nenneman, M. P., and Geluso, K.  2018.  Diet: Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog) eating a Pituophis catenifer (Bullsnake).  Herpetological Review 49:517.
  • Carlson, Z. A. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Second sighting of Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) in Buffalo County, Nebraska.  Collinsorum 7:18.
  • Spanel, T.J. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Small mammals in cornfields and associated peripheral habitats in central Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 38:30-35.
  • Andersen, B. R. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Roost characteristics and clustering behavior of Western Red bats in southwestern New Mexico.  Western North American Naturalist 78:174-183.
  • King, K. C., Caven, A. J., and Geluso, K.  2018.  Lekking behavior of a sharp-tailed grouse in south-central Nebraska.  The Prairie Naturalist 50:39-41.
  • Gomez, I. R. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Crotalus viridis (Prairie Rattlesnake): Diet and scavenging.  Herpetological Review 49:338
  • Geluso, K.  2018.  Hoary bat impaled on barbed wire fence.  The Prairie Naturalist 50:36-38.
  • Geluso, K., Keele, E. C., Pauley, N. M., Gomez, I. R., and Tye, S. P.  2018.  Night-roosting behaviors for the Northern Long-eared Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) under a bridge revealed by time-lapse photography.  American Midland Naturalist 179:287-293.
  • Geluso, K. and Bogan, M. A.  2018.  Survey of Bats in the Bear Lodge Mountains and surrounding areas in northeastern Wyoming.  Texas Tech Occasional Papers 355:1-17.
  • Bejot, M. M. and  2018.  Geographic distribution:   (Plains Spadefoot).  Herpetological Review 49:74.
  • Pursley, H. R. and Geluso, K.  2018.  Geographic distribution:  Diadophis punctatus (Ring-necked Snake).  Herpetological Review 49:74.
  • Buck, M. J., Peterson, B. C., and Geluso, K.  2018.  Geographic distribution: Plestiodon septentrionals (Prairie skink).  Herpetological Review 49:74.
  • Forsberg, M. L. and Geluso, K.  2017.  Terrapene ornata (Ornate Box Turtle): scavenging.  Herpetological Review 48:429. 
  • O’Connor, B. J. and Geluso, K.  2017.  Geographic distribution: Plestiodon obsoletus (Great Plains Skink).  Herpetological Review 48:390. 
  • Tye, S. P., Geluso, K., and Harner, M. J.  2017.  Geographic distribution: Hyla chrysoscelis (Cope’s Gray Treefrog).  Herpetological Review 48:382-383.
  • Franks, M. S. and Geluso, K.  2017.  Geographic distribution: Lithobates blairi (Plains Leopard Frog).  Herpetological Review 48:383-384. 
  • Franks, M. S. and Geluso, K.  2017.  Geographic distribution: Diadophis punctatus (Ring-necked Snake).  Herpetological Review 48:391.
  • Geluso, K. and Forsberg, M. L.  2017.  Hitching a ride: first record of a Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) in eastern Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Science 37:28-31.
  • Johnson, O. J. and Geluso, K.  2017.  Distributional and reproductive records of bats from south-central Nebraska.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 347:1-15.
  • Geluso, K., Geluso, K. N., and Andersen, B. R.  2017.  Distribution of the Northern Pygmy Mouse (Baiomys taylori) in southwestern New Mexico, with notes on reproduction.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 349:1-9.
  • Tye, S. P., Geluso, K., and Harner, M. J.  2017.  Early emergence and seasonality of the red-bellied snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) along the Platte River in south-central Nebraska, USA.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 37:11-17.
  • Geluso, K.  2017.  Recurrence of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) at historical sites in New Mexico, with notes on natural history.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 346:1-14.
  • Geluso, K. N. and Geluso, K.  2016.  Bats of Kimball and Cheyenne counties in the panhandle of Nebraska. in “contributions in natural history: A memorial volume in honor of Clyde Jones.”  Editors, R. W. Manning, J. R. Goetze, and F. D. Yancey, II. Special Publications, Museum of Texas Tech University 65:183-200.
  • Geluso, K., Schmidt, C. J., Brown, M. M., and Slepicka, L. R.  2016.  Rena dissectus (New Mexico Threadsnake): predation.  Herpetological Review 47:688-689.
  • Wiese, J.D., Plock, E. D., and Geluso, K.  2016.  Common Garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) mortality due to haying practices in south-central Nebraska.  Collinsorum 5(4):15-16. 
  • Geluso, K., Franks, M. S., and Yantzie, A. M.  2016.  Late-seasonal observation of a Plains Garter Snake (Thamnophis radix) consuming a Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata) in Nebraska.  Collinsorum 5(4):10-12.
  • Ernest, S. K. M., Yenni, G. M., Allington, G., Christensen, E. M., Geluso, K., Goheen, J. R., Schutzenhofer, M. R., Supp, S. R., Thibault, K. M., Brown, J. H., and Valone, T. J.  2016.  Long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem near Portal, Arizona (1977–2013).  Ecology 97(4): 1082. 
  • Tye, S.P., Geluso, K., and Fugagli, M.R.  2016.  Merriam’s Shrew (Sorex merriami) in the diet of a Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) from Grant County, New Mexico.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 341:1-5.
  • O’Connor, B. J., Forrester, A. J., and Geluso, K.  2016.  Tropidoclonion lineatum (Lined Snake): fire mortality.  Herpetological Review 47:487. 
  • Forrester, A. J. and Geluso, K.  2016.  Geographic distribution: Kinosternon flavescens (Yellow Mud Turtle).  Herpetological Review 47:253.
  • Harner, M. J., Wright, G. D., and Geluso, K.  2015.  Overwintering sandhill cranes in Nebraska.  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:457-466. 
  • McLean, R.P., Wright, G. D., and Geluso, K.  2015.  Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) along the Platte River, Hall County, Nebraska.  Collinsorum 4(1):2-4. 
  • Geluso, K., Lemen, C. A., and Freeman, P. W.  2015.  Current status of the Northern Long-eared Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) in northwestern Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 35:34-40. 
  • Dreier, C.A., Geluso, K., Frisch, J. D., Adams, B. N., Lingenfelter, A. R., Bridger, A. E., Freeman, P. W., Lemen, C. A., White, J. A., Andersen, B. R., Otto, H. W., and Schmidt C. J.  2015.  Mammalian records from southwestern Kansas and northwestern Oklahoma, including the first record of Crawford’s Desert Shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi) from Kansas.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 333:1-11. 
  • Geluso, K.N., and Geluso, K.  2015.  Distribution and natural history of Nelson’s Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus nelsoni) in the Guadalupe Mountains in southeastern New Mexico.Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 332:1-20.
  • Dreier, C.A., Buerer, R. A., and Geluso, K.  2015.  Sceloporus consobrinus (Prairie Lizard): mortality.  Herpetological Review 46:94-95.
  • Frisch, J. D., Geluso, K., and Springer, J. T.  2015.  Distributional expansion of the hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) into Dawson County, NE.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 35:12-14.
  • Buerer, R.A, and Geluso, K.  2014.  Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus (Western Massasauga): aberrent pattern.  Herpetological Review 45:713.
  • Svoboda, C. T., Wright, G. D., Frisch, J. D., and Geluso, K.  2014.  Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Red-sided Gartersnake): Diet and accidental mortality.  Herpetological Review 45:520-521.
  • Geluso, K., Wright, G. D., and Wright, A. E.  2014.  Fifth specimen of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) from Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 34:1-2.
  • Lingenfelter, A. R., Geluso, K., Nenneman, M. P., Peterson, B. C., and Kerby, J. L.  2014.  Distribution, diet, and prevalence of amphibian chytrid fungus in non-native American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska, USA.  Journal of North American Herpetology 2014:81-86.
  • Bridger, A. E., Frisch, J. D., Wright, G. D., Adams, B. N., Bird, B. D., Bollman, C. D., Brundrett, D. S., Buerer, R. A., Cahis, S. D., Connelly, M. A., Fritton, J. D., Harms, E. J., Kaufman, J. D., Leitner, A. M., Poinsette, A. T., Rojas, M. P., Schroeder, D. L., Stokes, M. A., Svoboda, C. T., Wilson, A. N., and Geluso, K.  2014.  Eighteen county records of herpetofauna from Nebraska, 2012-2013.  Collinsorum 3(1):6-8.
  • Bridger, A. E. and Geluso, K.  2014.  Lined snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum) predated by eastern racer (Coluber constrictor) in central Nebraska.  Collinsorum 3(1):9-10.
  • Geluso, K., Krohn, B. T., Harner, M. J., and Assenmacher, M. J.  2013.  Whooping cranes consume plains leopard frogs at migratory stopover sites in Nebraska.  The Prairie Naturalist 45:91-93.
  • Alexander, I. R., and Geluso, K.  2013.  Bats of Vieques National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico, Greater Antilles.  Check List 9:294-297.
  • Geluso, K. and Harner, M. J.  2013.  Reexamination of herpetofauna on Mormon Island, Hall County, Nebraska, with notes on natural history.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 33:7-20.
  • Geluso, K. and Harner, M. J.  2013.  Nerodia clarkii clarkii (Gulf Saltmarsh Watersnake): Predation.  Herpetological Review 44:156-157.
  • Geluso, K., Huebschman, J. J., and Geluso, K. N.  2013.  Bats of the Wildcat Hills and surrounding areas in western Nebraska.  Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 6:20-42.
  • Lundgren, S. A., Geluso, K., and Schoenebeck, C. W.  2012.  Terrestrial and semi-aquatic vertebrates in diets of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in central Nebraska.  Prairie Naturalist 44:105-108.
  • Geluso, K. and Wright, G. D.  2012.  Current status of the plains pocket mouse (Perognathus flavescens) in eastern Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 72:554–562.
  • Geluso, K.  2012.  Sixteen county records of herpetofauna from south-central Nebraska.  Collinsorum: The Journal of Kansas Herpetology 1(2/3):3-6.
  • Graham, Z. R., Geluso, K., and Benedict, R. A.  2012.  Notes on the distribution of Bailey’s eastern woodrat (Neotoma floridana baileyi) in Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 72:252-256
  • Merlino, J. N., Frohberg, A. R., Harmon, J., and Geluso, K.  2012.  Least and Merriam’s shrews from Banner County, Nebraska.  Prairie Naturalist 44:60-62.
  • Harner, M. J. and Geluso, K.  2012.  Effects of cattle grazing on Platte River caddisflies (Ironoquia plattensis) in central Nebraska.  Freshwater Science 31:389-394.
  • Larsen, R. J., Larsen, P. A., Genoways, H. H., Catzeflis, F. M., Geluso, K., Kwiecinski, G. G., Pedersen, S. C., Simal, F., and Baker, R. J.  2012.  Evolutionary history of Caribbean species of Myotis, with evidence of a third Lesser Antillean endemic. Mammalian Biology 77:124-134.
  • Geluso, K. N. and Geluso, K.  2012.  Effects on environmental factors on yearly fluctuations in capture rates of insectivorous bats, 1971-2005.  Journal of Mammalogy 93:161-169.
  • White, J. A. and Geluso, K.  2012.  Seasonal interplay between food-hoarding and burrow-use behaviors in a non-hibernating rodent.  Journal of Mammalogy 93:149-160.
  • Lingenfelter, A. R., Geluso, K., and Drahota, J. L.  2012.  Geographic distribution: Thamnophis radix (Plains Garter Snake).  Herpetological Review 43:309-310.
  • Lingenfelter, A. R., Geluso, K., and Drahota, J. L.  2012.  Geographic distribution: Lithobates blairi (Plains Leopard Frog).  Herpetological Review 43:299-300.
  • Buerer, R. A. and Geluso, K.  2012.  Geographic distribution: Coluber constrictor (Eastern Racer).  Herpetological Review 43:307.
  • Wills, H. D., Geluso, K., Smits, E. J., Springer, J. T., and Newton, W. E.  2011.  Notes on the distribution of eastern woodrats and hispid cotton rats in south-central Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 43:127-129.
  • Wright, G. D., Graham, A. E., and Geluso, K.  2011.  County records for reptiles and amphibians from Hayes County, Nebraska.  Herpetological Review 42:576-577.
  • Harner, M. J., Nelson, A. J., Geluso, K., and Simon, D. M.  2011.  Chytrid fungus in American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) along the Platte River, Nebraska, USA.  Herpetological Review 42:549-551.
  • Bridger, A. E. and Geluso, K.  2011.  Geographical distribution: Diadophis punctatus (Ringneck Snake).  Herpetological Review 42:572.
  • Bridger, A. E. and Geluso, K.  2011.  Nebraska specimens of amphibians and reptiles in the University of Nebraska at Kearney (Kearney State College) natural history collection.  Journal of Kansas Herpetology 39:12-19.
  • Geluso, K. and Geluso, K. N.  2011.  Geographic distribution: Thamnophis elegans (Terrestrial Garter Snake).  Herpetological Review 42:396.
  • Geluso, K.  2011.  Geographic distribution: Pseudacris maculata (Boreal Chorus Frog).  Herpetological Review 42:386.
  • Geluso, K.  2011.  Geographic distribution: Spea bombifrons (Plains Spadefoot).  Herpetological Review 42:387.
  • Geluso, K.  2011.  Geographic distribution: Chrysemys picta (Northern Painted Turtle).  Herpetological Review 42:387-388.
  • Geluso, K., Harner, M. J., and Vivian, L. A.  2011.  Subterranean behavior and other notes for Ironoquia plattensis (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) in Nebraska.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104:1021-1025.
  • Wright, G. D., & Geluso, K.  2011.  Occurrence of Ord’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ordii) along its eastern distributional limit in Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 71:115-118.
  • Harner, M. J., Opitz, N., Geluso, K., Tockner, K., & Rillig, M. C.  2011.  Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on developing islands within a dynamic river floodplain: An investigation across successional gradients and soil depth.  Aquatic Sciences 73:35-42.
  • Bonner, S. L., & Geluso, K.  2010.  Examination of owl pellets for northern pocket gophers at Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska.  Prairie Naturalist 42:138-142.
  • Wright, G. D., Geluso, K. & Benedict, R. A.  2010.  Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) in Nebraska: distribution, reproduction, and seasonal activity.  Western North American Naturalist 70:400-406.
  • Geluso, K., Wright, G. D., & Graham, A. E.  2010.  Pale milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata) consuming a great plains skink (Plestiodon obsoletus).  Journal of Kansas Herpetology 34:10.
  • Rickert, K., & Geluso, K.  2010.  Records of the northern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster) in western Iowa.  Western North American Naturalist 70:252-254.
  • Geluso, K., & Wright, G. D.  2010.  Geographical distribution: Gastrophryne olivacea (Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad).  Herpetological Review; 41:103.
  • Geluso, K., & Johnson, O. J.  2010.  Geographical distribution: Coluber constrictor (Eastern Racer).  Herpetological Review 41:109.
  • Geluso, K., & Johnson, O. J.  2010.  Geographical distribution: Chrysemys picta (Northern Painted Turtle).  Herpetological Review 41:105.
  • Geluso, K., & Wright, G. D. 2010. Hispid pocket mouse (Chaetodipus hispidus) in east-central and northeastern Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 70:126-129.
  • Geluso, K. 2009. Records of the yellow-nosed cotton rat (Sigmodon ochrognathus) in southwestern New Mexico.  Western North American Naturalist 69:548-550.
  • Geluso, K., & Mink, J. N. 2009. Use of bridges by bats in the lower Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 54:421-429.
  • Valdez, E. W., Geluso, K., Foote, J., Allison-Kosior, G. & Roemer, D. M. 2009. Spring and winter records of the eastern pipistrelle (Perimyotis subflavus) in southeastern New Mexico.  Western North American Naturalist 69:396-398.
  • Kugler, K. A., & Geluso, K. 2009. Distribution of the eastern woodrat (Neotoma floridana campestris) in southern Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 69:175-179.
  • Serbousek, M. R., & Geluso, K. 2009. Bats along the Republican River and its tributaries in southwestern Nebraska: distribution, abundance, and reproduction.  Western North American Naturalist 69:180-185.
  • Geluso, K. 2009. Distributional records for seven species of mammals in southern New Mexico.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 287:1-7.
  • Geluso, K., Harner, M. J., Lemen, C. A., & Freeman, P. W. 2009. Survey of bats in northern Trinidad late in the rainy season.  Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 285:1-13.
  • Wright, G. D., & Geluso, K. 2009. Geographical distribution: Aspidoscelis sexlineata (Six-lined Racerunner).  Herpetological Review 40:450-451.
  • Geluso, K., & Wright, G. D. 2009. Geographical distribution: Opheodrys vernalis (Smooth Green Snake).  Herpetological Review 40:457.
  • Wright, G. D., & Geluso, K. 2009. Geographical distribution: Plestiodon multivirgatus (Many-lined Skink).  Herpetological Review 40:453.
  • Damm, J. P., & Geluso, K. 2008. Use of a mine by eastern pipistrelles (Perimyotis subflavus) in east-central Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 68:382-389.
  • Genoways, H. H., Hoffman, J. D., Freeman, P.W., Geluso, K., Benedict, R. A., & Huebschman, J. J. 2008. Mammals of Nebraska: Checklist, Key, and Bibliography.  Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln 23:1-92.
  • Geluso, K. 2008. Winter activity of Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) at Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 53:243-247.
  • Geluso, K., Damm, J. P., & Valdez, E. W. 2008. Late-seasonal activity and diet of the evening bat (Nycticeius humeralis) in Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 68:21-24.
  • Geluso, K. 2008. Spotted bats (Euderma maculatum) from Mt. Taylor, New Mexico.  Western North American Naturalist 68:119-122.
  • Geluso, K. 2007. Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Mottled Rock Rattlesnake): Diet.  Herpetological Review 38:86-87.
  • Geluso, K. 2007. Winter activity of bats over water and along flyways in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 52:482-492.
  • White, J. A., and Geluso, K. 2007. Seasonal differences in onset of surface activity of Ord’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ordii).  Journal of Mammalogy 88:234-240.
  • Geluso, K. 2006. Bats in a human-made forest of central Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 38:13-23.
  • Sears, M. W., Hayes, J. P., O'Connor, C. S., Geluso, K., & Sedinger, J. S. 2006. Individual variation in thermogenic capacity affects above-ground activity of high-altitude deer mice.  Functional Ecology 20:97-104.
  • Geluso, K. 2005.Benefits of small-sized caches for scatter-hoarding rodents: influence of cache size, depth, and soil moisture.  Journal of Mammalogy 86:1186–1192.
  • Geluso, K., Mollhagen, T. R., Tigner, J. M., & Bogan, M. A. 2005. Westward expansion of the eastern pipistrelle (Pipistrellus) in the United States, including new records from New Mexico, South Dakota, and Texas.  Western North American Naturalist 65:405-409.
  • Geluso, K., Hoffman, J. D., Ashe, V. A., White, J. A., & Bogan, M. A. 2005. Westward expansion of the tawny-bellied cotton rat (Sigmodon fulviventer) in west-central New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 50:273-277.
  • Geluso, K., White, J.A., &. Bogan, M. A. 2004. Least shrew (Cryptotis parva) in extreme west-central Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 29:29-32.
  • Geluso, K. N., & Geluso, K. 2004. Mammals of Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico.  Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln 17:1-180.
  • Geluso, K. 2004. Distribution of the white-ankled mouse (Peromyscus pectoralis) in New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 49:283-288.
  • Geluso K. 2004. Westward expansion of the eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) in northeastern New Mexico and southeastern Colorado.  Southwestern Naturalist 49:111-116.
  • Geluso, K., Huebschman, J. J., White, J. A., & Bogan, M. A. 2004. Reproduction and seasonal activity of silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) in western Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 64:353-358.
  • Best, T. L., Geluso, K., Hunt, J. L., & McWilliams, L. A. 2003. The lesser prairie chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) in southeastern New Mexico: a population survey.  Texas Journal of Science 55:225-234.
  • Geluso, K. 2002. Records of mammals from Harding County, New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 47:325-329.
  • Geluso, K. 2000. Distribution of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) in Nevada, including notes on reproduction.  Southwestern Naturalist 45:347-352.
  • Geluso, K., & Hayes, J. P. 1999. Effects of dietary quality on basal metabolic rate and internal morphology of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris).  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 72:189–197.
  • Geluso, K., O'Connor, C. S., Sullivan, S. G., & Hayes, J. P. 1997. Elevational records for mammals in the White Mountains of California.  Great Basin Naturalist 57:83-84.